Create Forms

How to Create Books using Gemini™ in Merge Docs Pro

This page explains how to create books using Gemini™ in Merge Docs Pro.

Creating the Input Sheet Header

Launch the Add-on using Extensions -> Merge Docs Pro -> Merge Google Docs.

The following sidebar will be displayed.

Merge Docs Pro Sidebar

Click on the Add Column Headers to Get Started button. It will add the necessary headers and data validation in the Google Sheets. This will help you create the input for merging multiple docs.

Merge Docs Pro Sample Input Sheet

  • With columns: File Name, File Type, File URL/Gemini™ Prompt, Merge, Status, Comments, Processed on.

Creating Feedback Forms

To create feedback forms, you need to add prompts that generate feedback questions for various experiences. For reference on how to format and structure your prompts, check the Sample Sheet (opens in a new tab).

Here’s how to create Google Forms with the feedback questions:

Generating Feedback Questions using Gemini™

Start by creating feedback question prompts for different aspects of user experience. For example:

  1. Customer Service Experience: "Create feedback questions to assess the customer service experience, including how effectively representatives addressed your concerns and your overall satisfaction with the support received."

  2. Product Usability: "Create feedback questions to evaluate the usability of the product, such as how intuitive the interface was and how easily users could accomplish their tasks."

  3. Purchase Process: "Create feedback questions to review the purchase process, including the ease of finding products, the clarity of product information, and the simplicity of the checkout process."

Click Merge and a Google Document will be created with all the relevant question for each area.

Creating Google Forms™ from Feedback Question Google Docs™

Once you have all the question in a single Google Docs™, follow the below steps to convert it to a Google Form™.

  1. Use the Automagical Forms Add-on: Use the Automagical Forms (opens in a new tab) add-on to convert your feedback questions Google Docs into a Google Form. The add-on will automatically generate a form with the questions you’ve provided in the Google Docs.

  2. Distribute the Form: Once the form is created, you can distribute it to your users to collect their feedback.

This streamlined process simplifies the creation and distribution of feedback forms, helping you gather valuable insights efficiently.