Create Books

How to Create Books using Gemini™ in Merge Docs Pro

This page explains how to create books using Gemini™ in Merge Docs Pro.

Creating the Input Sheet Header

Launch the Add-on using Extensions -> Merge Docs Pro -> Merge Google Docs.

The following sidebar will be displayed.

Merge Docs Pro Sidebar

Click on the Add Column Headers to Get Started button. It will add the necessary headers and data validation in the Google Sheets. This will help you create the input for merging multiple docs.

Merge Docs Pro Sample Input Sheet

  • With columns: File Name, File Type, File URL/Gemini™ Prompt, Merge, Status, Comments, Processed on.

Creating Books

To create books, begin by adding all the prompts for each book unit into your Google Sheet. For reference on how to format and structure your prompts, refer to the Sample Sheet (opens in a new tab).

Creating a Book

  1. Add Prompts for Each Book Unit: Start by entering all the prompts for each book unit into the appropriate columns of your Google Sheet.
  2. Creating a Summary for Each Chapter: Adding a summary before the beginning of each chapter can enhance readability and provide a quick overview of the chapter’s content. To enable this feature, turn on the Summarize Each Merge option. Gemini™ will generate a summary for each chapter and insert it at the start, helping readers grasp key points quickly.
  3. Generate the Output File: Once all prompts are entered, you can create a single output file in different format(Google Docs, Word, PDF, ePUB).

This file will include multiple book units combined into one document. The document can then be shared or printed as needed.